Step it up! Marketing Eye’s big plans for 2016

I've never gone into a new year more excited than I am this year. I usually am the person who hates Christmas and New Year and likes to avoid it like the plague, but this year is different. I am on a very different, exciting, new journey.
It's time to step it up, take time out and finish off a few things. I am looking forward to spending some time in the US in 2016, saying hi to staff, clients and friends. I have this amazing affinity with the US and am so glad that I expanded my business there.
While my mentor was 100% correct in saying that "the new girl is always prettier than the girl you take to the dance", it has by default turned out ok. Marketing Eye took off with a bang in the US, then we had some staffing issues as it is difficult for staff to work so remotely from head office when you are a smaller business. Now, it is humming and the young, dynamic, fun team are growing the business without too much guidance. I am so appreciative of how they operate and just want to let them go and do their thing, under our systems and structure.
Only this week when the figures came in, I realised how big our business in the US is becoming. In 2016, it will account for more than half of our revenue due to our expansion plans. That's not bad going for a business that runs itself. Of course, we intend on investing more in the US market and employing more people, opening more offices etc.
Our business strategy has evolved so much, and with technology how it is, it continues to do so. The buzz I get from knowing that 2016 is going to be bigger and better and there is no doomsday even if the economy doesn't fare too well.
We are looking for new people to join our growing team and are being careful with our selection. The culture of the business is so important and it is more important than ever to get our next moves right.
Stepping it up - as I like to say, is going to be an adventure. I can't wait to sink my teeth into our business strategy and rollout our expansion plans. My head has never been clearer or more astute to where our business is heading so anything is possible. Belief is always half the issue and the second issue is making it happen.
Let me assure you.... I am going to make it happen.
Melissah Smith
Founder and Managing Director
Marketing Eye