Items filtered by date: December 2015

There are so many things that entrepreneurs do right, and often it is for the world to see. Yet there are still some things that we don't quite get right. 2016 is going to be a huge year. There is so much in store and while we all focus on business, the Government has a few headaches not just with stimulating economic growth, but ISIS and climate change. 
Published in Management
Fuck it! Seriously, I know I just swore but that's exactly how I feel right now. We keep holding ourselves back in fear of something. Actually, everything. But where does that get you? Nowhere, that's where.
Tuesday, 08 December 2015 10:23

How to mark the end of the year

The end of the year is neigh. It has come along for many of us, faster than we would have liked.

It seems, the older we get, the faster life passes us by. There really is no better reason to live life the best possible way we can.
Published in Marketing

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